Saturday, August 23, 2008

Color Combo Challenge

Ok, this is kind of a cheater layout, because it is one that I did last year, but it's done in one of the color combos on the list (orange & light blue) and since I'm feeling a bit pressured because I'm behind on the challenges, I thought I would throw this one in!!
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alicia said...


oregonlori said...

Somehow, I just KNEW you wouldn't be able to let this one slide by with not comment!!!:-)

alicia said...

well, whadda expect? I am staring at my color list trying to figure out what the *F* I am going to do wondering if a pack of twizzlers will somehow offer me an altered sugar high inspiration while trying not to go insane from my toddler's need to be attached to me 24/7 without any naps. (hyperventilating)
I am so looking through my stash for something from last year you evil genius you!